Bloom Synth Atmosphere Excite Audio

Get Bloom Synth Atmosphere Lite VST plugin for free drone synth

The Audio Plugin Guy is currently running an exclusive deal – allowing you to get the Bloom Synth Atmosphere Lite VST plugin from Excite Audio completely free of charge.

Using the 100% off coupon code 37m8ww23 you will be able to reduce the $29 product price all the way down to 0 on Plugin Boutique (during the advanced checkout process).

Bloom Synth Atmosphere is a VST rompler plugin compatible with Windows PC and Mac (64-bit). It features a selection of BPM-synced samples and sounds that you can manipulate using the plugin’s built-in audio shaping parameters and effects.

This sampler/synthesizer focuses on pre-constructed phrases, drones and textures suitable for ambient and cinematic music. It contains atmospheric pads, rhythmic arpeggio sequences and a varying range of ambiances and soundscapes. It also offers melodic leads, percussive sounds and harmonic, chord based presets.

There are 7 sound categories – Drones, Experimental, Full Atmospheres, Melodic, Rhythmic, Synths and Textures – and a total of 75 sound presets.

Additionally, Excite Audio provide you with 4 sound shaping macro controls – Lo-Fi, Modulation, Width (stereo width) and Submerge (filter cutoff) – as well as 5 FX parameters being delay, reverb, noise and a couple of LP and HP filters.

Another implemented feature is Modifiers. To activate a modifier, you need to press and hold one of the black keys on the left side of the keyboard. Each black key is essentially a keyswitch articulation that will trigger either an octave transposition, sample speed manipulation or a reverse playback function for the active sample(s).

To change the root key (musical scale) of a sample, click on the beam note symbol which is on the bottom left corner of the interface.

Bloom Synth Atmosphere Lite is available in VST (VST2), VST3, AU and AAX plugin formats as well as standalone for Apple macOS and Windows.

Quick Tip

To prevent CPU overload, it is recommended to turn off the GUI’s audio visualizer by right clicking the center image and deactivating the live animation.